Job of the Month September 2009
Mr Scaffold is experienced in erecting scaffolds in areas that the public require continuous access. Mesh guards to ensure tools and materials are kept within the workspace are available for most builds, and toeboards are standard for any level where work is to be carried out.
The levels in between that you can see in this picture are there only for the use of the professionals when they erect or dismantle the scaffold. Mr Scaffold has an exemplary safety record, and all of our professionals are fully trained ensuring that they use appropriate restraints and fall prevention methods on each and every project.
Mr Scaffold is the supplier of all the equipment we sell or hire, so we are completely familiar with all of our products, we know the limits and capabilities of each component.
When needed, Mr Scaffold has engineers to inspect and ratify the scaffold design to ensure maximum safety for your personnel.
Call Mr Scaffold on 1300 677 223